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Do I really need a consultant for my PR application ???

Difference between using a consultant and DIY (Do It Yourself) – Canada visa application

Canadian immigration authorities have made it abundantly clear that using a consultant or lawyer as a representative offers an applicant no added advantage or privilege over someone who has filed the application themselves. CIC provides easy forms and application/instruction guides on its website which are comprehensive.

Canadian law requires that anyone providing Canadian immigration advice for a fee or other consideration must be a member in good standing of ICCRC, a Canadian law society of Canada, or the Chambre des notaires du Québec.
This is where you can find if the person is an authorized representative. 

Whether located in Canada or abroad, anyone offering services in immigration for a fee or other consideration, who is not a member of the authorized bodies, as mentioned in immigrationfraud, is not authorized to provide migration related services. They are operating illegally.

Consequences can include up to 2 years in prison and/or a fine of $100,000. Your case can be rejected for using illegal representative as per the Canadian laws.


No consultant can “guarantee” the success of your application. If they do, then they are lying and that’s the first sign that you must stay away from such consultants.
So then, Why Choose an Immigration Consultant?

Immigration/Visa application is not about form filling as it is made out to be. A good consultant is NOT a form filler. Your 12year old son/daughter could do that with little guidance.
If one navigates through the immigration application forms it asks for basic, general and detailed information about the applicant and his/her life activities.
A good consultant “knows” why this information is being asked for and using this knowledge he/she can answer the questions asked appropriately and at most times to the advantage of his client. At times, it is not possible to explain the information completed on the forms and a good consultant will know how to apply the current legislation and immigration laws to explain the information that is not obvious in the application.

The immigration laws are always changing and a good consultant will be abreast of these changes.

  1. A consultant can assist you in choosing the “best” option for your situation
    Do you know that there are more than 60 Canadian Federal/Provincial immigration programs?  Do you also know that you can change your status during your stay in Canada?  There are also many ways for you to apply for a work visa. You can apply for a study permit at any age. Everyone’s situation is unique and there is no absolute best option. A Registered immigration consultant who understands different immigration or visa programs will assist you in choosing a “better option” for your particular situation.
  2. You are assured that your file is presented in an organized and complete way
    Immigration application is a serious matter and details matter the most.  Do you know that if you submit your application forms with information you are not sure of, or you leave some questions blank will lead to your file being rejected or sent back to you for reapplication?  A certified immigration consultant has a qualified high level of details and organization skill to make sure that your information is complete and your case will be presented to immigration officers in an organized way for their easy processing. A detailed submission letter / Letter of explanation is sent along with your application to offer additional information/explanation of your case.
  3. A consultant will make the complicated process simpler for you
    Immigration is a complicated process. It is not only because of the complex Canadian immigration legal system. It is also the extent of your financial and emotional commitment to come and establish in a new country.  With the immigration law knowledge and the local knowledge of Canadian society, a registered immigration consultant will guide you through the process and make the complicated process simpler for you.
  4. A consultant will save your valuable time
    Even for the simplest immigration cases, with all the forms and instruction guide online, not everyone has the time to invest in analyzing the instruction, filling the forms and preparing the documentation for submission. Sometimes, even a simple case can use someone up to a few days of time with no 100% understanding of the requirement and rules. If you send an incomplete application or miss certain details, your case might be returned to you without any refund and you have to send the package again. A registered immigration consultant already has all the resources ready in the office and will guide you in a prompt and efficient manner. He or she does the thinking and doing for you, so your valuable time can be saved for something more meaningful to you.
  5. Professional Knowledge and Education
    As a licensed immigration consultant, he or she has to attend a professional immigration practitioner program and pass various exams to get the license.  He or she also has to fulfill many obligations including continuing education, pay high membership fees and insurance to maintain the professional title. A registered immigration consultant also has a code of professional conduct to follow to keep the license requirement.  Therefore, the financial and time investment by a registered consultant can be reflected in the quality of work he or she produces for the clients.
  6. Personalized service with confidentiality protection
    A registered immigration consultant can provide you with a personalized service with all the details are taken care of, whereas the instruction guide online will only give you generic instruction with no consideration in the immigration law aspect.  Personalized service also includes good suggestion or advice from your consultant about settlement services in Canada.  Having the right knowledge and connections are very important for your future success in Canada.  Your good immigration consultant can be your first link to Canadian society.  Also, be assured that by using a Registered Immigration consultant, your confidential information you provide will be kept in secret.
  7. You do not have to pay for the consultant’s mistake
    The word “registered Canadian Immigration Consultant” carries a lot of weight. It represents a good quality of work and responsibility to you as a client. Nevertheless, no one in the world can be free of mistakes.  The good news is that you as consumers do not have to pay for the mistake made by a Registered Consultant. Most of the RCIC will give you a refund for the mistakes he or she made as written in the retainer agreement. It is also compulsory for an RCIC to carry professional liability insurance for your protection.  Also, just a precautionary note to you that if you hire an unlicensed consultant, you will not get the protection when things go wrong.
    The value of a Registered Canadian Immigration consultant is not reflected by just filling forms.  It is his or her immigration law knowledge and the application of the knowledge.Why Do the application yourself?1. Complete control of the application and its content.
  8. Save money, lots of money that you would pay a consultant for his/her service.
  9. Become more knowledgeable in Canadian Immigration matters through research and study.
  10. Various online forums, social media groups offer free help and guidance.
  11. Complete application guides and information is available on IRCC website/ Provincial website.
  12. Opportunity to network and connect with other applicants processing their application.

So, go ahead and file your own application without a worry. There is enough support out there.
You only need a Consultant if:

  • you cannot understand the instructions
  • you feel overwhelmed with all the document requirements and applicable laws
  • if you cannot exercise care and caution while filling the application
  • if you do not have time to research for information
  • if you do not have good (not great) language skills
  • if you are lazy and have lots of money
  • if you have a tendency to get easily confused
  • if your case is not straight forward